Wow, it's been a while since I updated the blog so I'd better get busy and fill you all in on the last few weeks.
Firstly, my mum came out on a two week visit. It was a relief to see her looking so much better after she's been so poorly over the last few months. Although the sun didn't shine as much as we would have liked, and the weather was distinctly cool and wet for the time of year, she seemed to have a good time, and we were able to show her a few of the beautiful places we've grown to love over the few months we've been here. This time, the trip up to Lake Louise meant we saw water rather than a frozen lake, and we were lucky with the weather as the sun shone on a warm day. Unfortunately, Moraine Lake was less spectacular this time around as the rockpile walk was shut and this affords easily the best views out across the lake. We also took a trip out to Elbow Falls, and to Drumheller, as well as a trip into the city.
Neil has been very busy setting up his realtor business over the last few weeks, and has been making contacts and meeting with potential clients too. There seems to be so much to do, from sorting out office space at the CIR brokerage in town, to ordering his sale boards, buying office supplies and sorting out various forms of advertising. He's been a busy bee indeed, especially as he will continue to work at the video store until he makes his first sale.
I finished my job for the summer break at the end of June, and have been arranging other ways to make a living for the next 9 weeks until my new contract starts. I'm going to do a little tutoring over the summer, as well as a little work with Raya as she attends summer camps and sports clubs. I'm also looking forward to spending time with the children and sorting out the household chores, as well as getting out in the sunshine.
I've also found a course in Canadian Studies offered by the University of Calgary, so will be busy trying to sort out my studies during the next academic year, hopefully gaining my full certification to teach this time next year, and may start 'subbing' at local schools from Sept 2010.
We are continuing to build up a great network of new friends here, both Canadian and ex-pat Brits through our jobs and also in our local neighbourhood. We were marvelling the other day at how many wonderful people we've met since we arrived nearly 9 months ago, and what good friends they are becoming. People have been so warm and welcoming to us and it's certainly true that good friends really enrich our lives here in our new home.
We're beginning to sort out our landscaping around the house now, although it's a slow process. We've finally got our front lawn down, and it's looking very lush and green. The next step is our fence, and then the back lawn can be laid. I'm looking forward to landscaping the yard and finally putting some trees and shrubs in to make it feel more attractive.
The children finished school for the summer 3 weeks ago, receiving very good end of year reports, and are participating in a variety of summer camps to keep them from becoming too bored over the next 9 weeks. They are both keen to find out which teachers they will have next year, but don't find out until late August, just before they return to school. Jake will be entering his final year in elementary school - grade 6, while Jaz will be going into grade 4. This time next year Jake will be about to start junior high school - eek!