Well, all is quiet in the house. The kids went back to school this morning! Woohoo!
Monday, 31 August 2009
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
back to school!
Well, the new term is just lurking around the corner (Monday 31st Aug) and we have been busy preparing for the new school year. Jasmine has had a funky new haircut and looks very grown up! We've been out buying back to school clothes - which seems very surreal as it's just ordinary clothes and trainers rather than school uniform! We've opted for Walmart and Superstore stuff mainly as their clothes seem to get wrecked very quickly and it's not worth spending the extra for better quality clothing, only to see it come home with holes in the knees and all sorts of unimaginable but unshiftable stains down the front within the first week. I'm busy naming all their belongings as it's all sure to go astray in the first week too, and we've been out to buy the huge list of school stationery supplies that Jake needs now he's in Grade 6. When they get to grade 6, they have a long list of stuff to supply for themselves, and places like Staples are totally heaving with every conceivable marker, exercise book and duotang (yes, we had to find out what these were too!)you could imagine. Staples employ extra staff to help guide you round the store helping you locate these often mysterious accessories! We managed to get everything on the list I think, but goodness knows how he'll carry it all to school - I think we may have to go in the car on the first day!
The children only recently found out whose class they'll be in this year. They each received letters in mid August informing them of their new classes and teachers. All the classes get mixed up so they were busy phoning round finding out who was in whose class. Jake has Mrs Burnett (apparently 'waaay' strict, so that's good!)and Jasmine has Mrs Jacks in Grade 4 this year. Both seem pretty happy so that's good. The first day back includes a welcome breakfast for mums and dads too - so it looks like I'll be up and out early along with them!
Jake and Jasmine both have residential trips ahead this term. Jaz just has an overnight stay down south at Frank Slide, and Jake is heading off to Canmore for a 5 day outward bound trip. They've been busy saving up to help pay for their trips (which was strongly suggested and encouraged by school before the summer break, to give them an idea of how much these things cost) by doing chores around the house.
We've also been busy booking this terms sports and leisure activities. Jas is continuing with her swimming lessons and tumbling/trampolining class and is also starting springboard diving classes, as well as Brownies. Jake is continuing with drumming, and also starts basketball classes. I'm going to start curling (!!) and Neil is booked onto photography evening classes. We're all going to be busy bees that's for sure - especially once ski season arrives!
The children only recently found out whose class they'll be in this year. They each received letters in mid August informing them of their new classes and teachers. All the classes get mixed up so they were busy phoning round finding out who was in whose class. Jake has Mrs Burnett (apparently 'waaay' strict, so that's good!)and Jasmine has Mrs Jacks in Grade 4 this year. Both seem pretty happy so that's good. The first day back includes a welcome breakfast for mums and dads too - so it looks like I'll be up and out early along with them!
Jake and Jasmine both have residential trips ahead this term. Jaz just has an overnight stay down south at Frank Slide, and Jake is heading off to Canmore for a 5 day outward bound trip. They've been busy saving up to help pay for their trips (which was strongly suggested and encouraged by school before the summer break, to give them an idea of how much these things cost) by doing chores around the house.
We've also been busy booking this terms sports and leisure activities. Jas is continuing with her swimming lessons and tumbling/trampolining class and is also starting springboard diving classes, as well as Brownies. Jake is continuing with drumming, and also starts basketball classes. I'm going to start curling (!!) and Neil is booked onto photography evening classes. We're all going to be busy bees that's for sure - especially once ski season arrives!
Saturday, 22 August 2009
A trip to the Zoo
Time to make the most of the great weather while it's still here, and also the last few days before the kids go back to school, so we decided to spend the day at Calgary Zoo. It's a vast place, and it's hard to believe that you're minutes away from Downtown while you're there. Most of the zoo is on an island in the Bow River, and there are different themed areas for the different continents. We had a wonderful day and all fell in love with the new baby gorilla. So cute!
Show and Shine
Last weekend we went to the Okotoks Show and Shine, an annual event where all the local petrol heads who own classic cars park along the main street in Olde Towne and let everyone admire their hours of hard work and beautifully restored vehicles. There were some fantastic cars, and Jake in particular was in his element, marvelling at how shiny their engines were. He found the hugest truck in a quiet shade of vivid yellow, a Ford F650 no less, and announced that THAT was the truck he wanted! We saw a couple of old DeLoreans, which looked much smaller and less impressive than I remember them when they were famous back in the 80's. I tried to explain how they were made cool by Back to the Future etc. but the kids were not impressed - 'it looks kinda ordinary mum!' said Jaz. She found a humongous pink 50's dream machine that she decided was for her, and I fell in love with more than a couple of 60's Mustangs. I never realised how much the locals love to tinker with their old cars, there were so many! Some owners loved to start them up and blow your eardrums out with their deafening roars. As we walked back to my somewhat ordinary Chrysler (in comparison) Jake was grinning from ear to ear, I think it made his day!
Sunday, 2 August 2009
A trip to Heritage Park
Neil has been working so hard over the last few weeks, effectively doing two jobs at the same time, so we decided to have a family day last Wednesday. We recently bought annual passes to Heritage Park in Calgary, so we decided to use them!
Heritage Park is located close to the Glenmore reservoir and is Canada's largest living history museum. There are lots of attractions there including old fashioned fairground rides and a steamboat, as well as a traditional steam railway that circumnavigates the park. Everyone who works there is dressed in period costume, and all the buildings are faithful reproductions of original buildings from Calgary and the surrounding area from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
The weather was perfect, beautiful sunshine, with just a cool breeze to keep it comfortable. We had a wonderful day out, and didn't get to see everything, so there is plenty more to do next time.
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