Saturday, 22 August 2009

Show and Shine

Last weekend we went to the Okotoks Show and Shine, an annual event where all the local petrol heads who own classic cars park along the main street in Olde Towne and let everyone admire their hours of hard work and beautifully restored vehicles. There were some fantastic cars, and Jake in particular was in his element, marvelling at how shiny their engines were. He found the hugest truck in a quiet shade of vivid yellow, a Ford F650 no less, and announced that THAT was the truck he wanted! We saw a couple of old DeLoreans, which looked much smaller and less impressive than I remember them when they were famous back in the 80's. I tried to explain how they were made cool by Back to the Future etc. but the kids were not impressed - 'it looks kinda ordinary mum!' said Jaz. She found a humongous pink 50's dream machine that she decided was for her, and I fell in love with more than a couple of 60's Mustangs. I never realised how much the locals love to tinker with their old cars, there were so many! Some owners loved to start them up and blow your eardrums out with their deafening roars. As we walked back to my somewhat ordinary Chrysler (in comparison) Jake was grinning from ear to ear, I think it made his day!

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